Monday 10 March 2014

England's Lane Time-Lapse March 9th 2014

1 Day, 1 Junction, 3855 Photographs, 1 film and 1 Independent Filmmaker.

A Day at the central hub of Belsize life, which will if HS2 goes ahead will be devastated for up to 10 years, with all Adelaide traffic being routed around this already busy road.

Please join me on my venture and support me to become the first ever "true" Independent councillor representing the area which is my home for more than 45 years.

Nigel Rumble, Cinematographer, Filmmaker and Photographer

Copyright (C) 2014 Nigel Rumble

Sunday 25 March 2012

Election timetable: May 2012

I am sure this information will be great use to politicos!

Tuesday, 20 March
Last day for publication of notice of election (London Mayor/GLA)
Start of regulated period for London Mayor, GLA constituency and independent GLA list candidates (for party GLA list candidates it starts when nomination papers submitted)

Thursday, 22 March
Last day for publication of notice of election (council elections Scotland)

Tuesday, 27 March
Last day for publication of notice of election (council elections England & Wales)

Wednesday, 28 March
Last day for submission of nomination papers (noon) (London Mayor/GLA)

Thursday, 29 March
Last day for submission of nomination papers (4pm) (council elections Scotland)
Last day for appointment of election agents (4pm) (council elections Scotland)

Friday, 30 March
Last day for publication of nominations (noon) (London Mayor/GLA)

Monday, 2 April
Last day for withdrawal of candidates (noon) (London Mayor/GLA)

Wednesday, 4 April
Last day for submission of nomination papers (noon) (council elections England & Wales)

Tuesday, 10 April
Last day for publication of nominations (noon) (council elections)

Wednesday, 11 April
Last day for withdrawal of candidates (noon) (council elections)
Last day for appointment of election agents (noon) (except for Scottish council elections)

Wednesday, 18 April
Last day to register to vote
Last day to apply for a new postal vote (5pm)
Last day to amend / cancel an existing postal vote arrangement (5pm)
Last day to amend / cancel an existing proxy vote arrangement (5pm)

Wednesday, 25 April
Last day to apply for a new proxy vote (5pm) – except for medical emergencies
Last day for publication of Notice of Poll (council elections)
Publication of Notice of Poll (London Mayor/GLA)

Thursday, 26 April
Last day for appointment of polling and counting agents

Thursday, 3 May
Polling Day: 7am – 10pm
Last day to apply for a new proxy vote on grounds of medical emergency (5pm)
Deadline for issuing replacement postal ballot papers (5pm)
Deadline for correcting electoral register due to clerical error or court appeal (9pm)

Thursday, 7 June
Last day for submission of election expense returns (if declaration was before midnight) (council elections)

Friday, 8 June
Last day for submission of election expense returns (if declaration was after midnight) (council elections)
Last day for submission of election expense returns (GLA constituency; assuming declaration on 4 May)

Friday, 13 July
Last day for submission of election expense returns (GLA list; assuming declaration on 4 May)
Last day for submission of election expense returns (London Mayor; assuming declaration on 4 May)

Thanks to ALDC, Electoral Commission and Mark Pack from whom I’ve extracted this information.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Camdens Labour MO if there is one!

It seems likely that Camden Labour council is set to impose a massive 8.1% rent hike on all its tenants living in council properties.

So far Labour has cut after schools clubs for children, cut Libraries, cut facilities to the elderly, cutting metal railings from our roads. It is too many cuts to detail here in this blog, but the above is a highlight of key cuts hurting real residents today.

The two libraries Chalk Farm and Belsize will cease in one year unless hopefully saved by local volunteers.

As a Belsize resident who has not only worked as a Saturday lad in my youth in Belsize Library. I am appalled that this historic cornerstone of Belsize may vanish as a direct result of the meddling of Camden Labour bosses.

NOW (as opposed to the disgraced News of the World) now Camden council tenants are set to pay a 8.1% rent increase. As a co-opted member for Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee I am shocked at this treatment of Camden council tenants.

It is common practice in the private sector rental market to not exceed a 5% increase in rent, to stay within guidelines. However, Camden's Labour Cabinet wish to increase by over 8.1% and think that that represents a fair deal for its tenants.

Camden's Labour has failed to make the required cuts through efficiency drives but instead has chosen to play the blame game of attributing all responsibility on to National Government. Even when children's after school play places were being axed last year Labour councillors were telling mothers that it was not there fault but go and blame the ConLib Government.

These excuses and outright lies could not be so far from the truth. More flexibility at a local level has been given to Local councils by National Government to help make local efficiency savings.

It is up to how the controlling Councils political supremos use there flexibility that is the key issue.

It was clear that the New Labour Project had lost the support of the populous long before May 2010. But yet through quirks of having local and national elections on the same day some councils were voted in with a Labour majority. But that is democracy!

However, the residents of Camden are now experiencing the ramifications of this as are the other Labour held councils scattered around the country.

So what next you might ask and you would be right to ask?

Here in Camden, Council Tax has been frozen along with most other London councils and it is hoped with the support of Mayor Boris Johnson will be again this May.

But I hear that even with Council Tax Camden's Labour elite are considering increasing that too!

I also hear from my sources that Camden council has had a good financial year and is £12.5M better off on the books than forecasted!

So come on Camden's Labour Elite!

The people voted you in with a majority to serve the best interest of Camden residents in time of austerity so get on and do it.

Surely, Camden's Labour wouldn't be playing the let's blame the Tories and Lib Dems game hoping to score extra votes in 2015 General Election at the expense of the best interest of its own residents, would they. No surely not? that would be an unimaginable thing to do and would make Ministers Expenses look like a picnic outing!

Author: Nigel Rumble 14th Feb 2012

Monday 5 December 2011

Supporting British Sports today

Yes that really is the Barclays Premier League Trophy in Hampstead today and no I did not get to kiss it.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

UKBA and the very best of Britain!

The Army is on call-out alert to man the border control immigration desks at all ports and airports in Britain!

The 30th November 2011 is set to enter modern history as the largest public sector strike since the seventies.

Why? Because an incompetent boss of UKBA got fired for allegedly allowing hundreds of thousands of unchecked immigrants into the UK during the summer of 2011, surely not?

Apparently, it is more to do with pension disagreements that have been rolling on for ages. The ConLib Government wishes to make cuts and control the generous pay-out perks that public civil servants get but the Unions have stepped in to do what they do best in moments of national economic crises and call a national public service strike.

Camden Labour chiefs have issued instructions for all Councillors not to enter the Town Hall and therefore, not to cross the picket line tomorrow at Jude Street. Fighting talk indeed.

Whilst, I have no problems with a local rebellion at this level in support of a legitimate strike. I do have a big problem when an authority called UKBA that feels appropriate to strike at key ports and airports on critical immigration posts thus bringing commerce to a grinding halt.

It is estimated that such a strike, should it occur at levels of 2 millions or more strikers would result in a loss to the country of £500,000 Million or put another way £0.5 Billion.

Pension deals on the table would then be revoked and made non economic on next rounds of discussions. And just as in the Seventies with Union strikes a never ending spiralling worsening of relations between the Unions and a Government unable due to the deficit crises to give in to demands for improved pensions future pay-outs.

What is certain is the UK appears locked in to enter a new period of 'Winter of Discontent' strikes with public sector workers.

Sadly for the thousands of NHS patients waiting for life saving operations on Wednesday 30th November strikes all hospitals will be providing only weekend coverage. Only the most critical procedures beings provided where it is a matter of life of death.

I think we all can agree that the NHS needs reform and that all workers receive a decent wage, I am sure that most Unions would agree with this view but the question is at what costs should the return to national strikes be endured.

Author: Nigel Rumble
Photo: (c) AP

Sunday 13 November 2011

Poppy Lib Dems a National Disgrace

I don't normally post a raw cut from the press courtesy of Richard Osley of CNJ in his private blog. But I wanted this out ASAP. Putting any branding let alone political branding on a wreath on memorial Sunday is just ignorant and beyond the pale. Do the Camden Lib Dems really think this will win them votes!

Very sad Day for local politics.

Sunday 30 October 2011

The Winning Team BowForwad

The Bow Group Elections of 27th October 2011.

For all the details see


Elected onto the council of the Bow Group "Think Tank" as Membership Secretary.
Resigned two months later owing to conflict with my political views and beliefs.

Therefore, I have the added honour of being the shortest Membership Secretary in the history of the old Bow Group group!